Workshop Program

Workshop Schedule

0930 – 1000 / 2030 - 2100 Zoom & Youtube Live setup

Plenary Youtube, Public

1000 – 1005 / 2100 – 2105 Introduction (organization team)

1005 - 1010 / 2105 - 2110 Welcome address (Joong-Yang Moon, KHSS)

1010 - 1040 / 2110 - 2140 Plenary talk

What is “Wildlife”? : Science and Human–Nature Relationships

(Akihisa Setoguchi, Kyoto University)

1040 - 1050 / 2140 - 2150 Ice-breaking break

Working paper 1: Chair (Tae-Ho Kim) Zoom, Registered only

1050 - 1135 / 2150 - 2235

Japan's Poison Gas Legacy:

Environmental Remediation of Abandoned Chemical Weapons in East Asia

(presenter Walter Grunden / commentator Tae-Woo Ko)

1135 - 1150 / 2235 - 2250 Networking time #1

1150 - 1220 / 2250 - 2320 Working Lunch break/ Late-night snacks break

Working paper 2: Chair (Chris Sellers) Zoom, Registered only

1220 - 1305 / 2320 - 0005

Engineers for Seoul, Sewerage for Salvage:

Education and Professionalization of early Sanitary Engineers in Korea

(presenter Jongmin Lee / commentator Kyonghee Han)

Working paper 3: Chair (Myung-Ae Choi) Zoom, Registered only

1305 - 1350 / 0005 - 0050

Economic Geography and Environmental Change in the Making and Unmaking of a Chinese Automobile City

(presenters Victor Seow & Hongyun Lyu / commentator Hyungsub Choi)

1350 - 1400 / 0050 - 0100 Closing address (Manyong Moon, KJHS editor in chief)

1400 - 1415 / 0100 - 0115 Networking time #2

Toward Publication: Moderator (Jongmin Lee) Closed

1415 - 1500 / 0115 - 0200 Overall discussion for publication