Jongmin Lee

Jongmin Lee is an assistant Professor at University of Science and Technology, Korea. He studies with engineering and science graduate students historical, social, and cultural understandings of their works, and with like-minded colleagues, grows an interdisciplinary community bridging science, society, education, and policy. He addresses how engineers, scientists, and bureaucrats define problems of the environment and of health and how they establish management regimes by combining technology with regulation.

His first project focused on the rise of pollution control technology approach and market-based policy at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the 1970s. He has been expanding his EPA research thematically and chronologically.

In addition, he has embarked on his Korean case studies of how educators, practitioners, and bureaucrats appropriated the "environmental" into their agenda respectively and together from the 1960s to the 1990s. His training in engineering, history, and STS, on top of teaching experiences in scientific writing, engineering ethics, and science communication have been leading him toward more experimental forms of humanities such as digital and environmental humanities.

For the past few days, when not writing emails or organizing events, he has been regretting not being able to write or work out.