
Jongmin Lee

Jongmin is Assistant Professor at University of Science and Technology, Korea, where he learns with engineering and science graduate students historical, social, and cultural understandings of their works and, with like-minded colleagues, grows an interdisciplinary community bridging science, society, education, and policy.

Sanghee Bae

Sanghee is a PhD student at the Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Seoul National University. She studies urban environmental history of 20th Century Korea. In particular, she is interested in how human-built infrastructures intersect and merge with nonhuman actors and seeks to understand the deeper meanings of new landscapes created by these interactions.

Juhee Kang

Juhee is a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard University. Her research examines the social and cultural history of psychological testing in 20th century Japan. She is interested in how scientific knowledge and technology have traveled and become vernacular not only transnationally but amongst people with different levels of understanding. She had worked on the political history of the Spanish Influenza.

Hyunah Keum

Hyunah is a master's student in the Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. She is interested in how wastes are governed, especially in disaster times like the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea. She wants to address various issues around wastes from the perspective of slow disaster.

Hyekyung Lee

Hyekyung Lee is currently in a master's degree at UST, majoring in Science and Technology Strategy. She has an interest in the collaboration network among Korean Government-Funded Research Institutes. With Complex Network Theory, Social Network Analysis, Econometrics, she tries to get an implication for establishing an effective cooperative ecosystem.

Richa Kumari

Richa Kumari is a Ph.D. graduate specialized in Science and Technology management policy from the University of Science and Technology, South Korea. She received a master degree in development policy from KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea. She has another master in business administration from Amity University India. Her research interest areas are Science and Technology Policy, Social Innovation, Innovation Ecosystem, and Sustainable development.

Huong Van Le

Huong Van Le received MS degree in International Business from Latrobe University (Melbourne, Australia) in 2013 and MS degree in S&T Information Science from Korea University of Science and Technology (UST) in 2018. Now she works as a freelancer in translation, interpretation, and research assistance.

Yujeong Kim

Yujeong is currently a student majoring in Pharmacy at Chungnam National University. Her interests lie in artificial intelligence-based healthcare system.

Junyoung Lee

Junyeong Lee is a graduate student inscience technology management and policy at University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea. He received his BS at Daegu Gyeonbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) in 2018. His investigation focuses on the materiality of COVID-19 and how it is captured in society by diagnostic technology. He tries to expand a discourse about Anthropocene to the pandemic when it comes to converging histories of the human and nature, strata and viral gene.